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Thomas Derleth

Git gems

Git, version control system1 min read

Git is more than just simple version control. Here are a few small tricks on how you can use your version control even better!

1. Step through each change!
git add -p

Already wrote multiple changes to the same file, but only wanted to commit one of the changes? Use this command to go through your changes (step by step) and decide which of your changes you want to commit and which you don't.

2. Your last five commits as a one-liner
git log -5 --pretty --oneline

Look at your last five commits each in a row.

3. How many contributors, how many commits?
git shortlog -sn

Returns a list of contributors with the number of their commits to the current repository.

4. Branch States
git log --all --graph --decorate --oneline --simplify-by-decoration

Returns you a complete status across all your branches. Since this command is difficult to remember, simply assign an alias in your ~/.gitconfig.

5. How many lines of code did you write today?
git diff --shortstat "@{0 day ago}"

Shows you the number of files, insertions, and deletions that you made today.

6. Jump to your last branch
git checkout -

As the headline says, you jump to your last branch without specifying its name.

7. "Uncommit" your code
git reset --soft HEAD~{amount_of_commits}

Will keep your changes but uncommit your last {amount_of_commits} commits.

8. Auto-correct your git commands
git config --global help.autocorrect -1

This is for all quick typers who like to write git satus instead of git status.

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